Why buy vintage art?

Vintage art endures even as the world races towards the next new trend. In a world overflowing with choices, why buy vintage art? Whether you're an art connoisseur, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking a unique way to adorn your living space, these 3 S’s pinpoint the value of vintage art:

Sustainability: Buying vintage art extends the lifespan of existing art and reduces the demand for new mass-produced home decor items. Many vintage pieces are created by highly skilled artists who may not be well-known today but produced exceptional works in their time. For every Georgia O’Keefe or Salvador Dali there’s another artist whose equally breathtaking work was never picked up by the mainstream art world. We help our clients source exquisite vintage pieces with artistic merit that they can appreciate for generations to come.

Spring Street Summer, Arno Lemke.

Selectivity: Vintage art comprises limited edition prints or one-of-a-kind paintings. This exclusivity makes purchasing vintage art a unique and extraordinary experience. You may be drawn to a piece due to a personal connection, or it might remind you of a certain period of your life or evoke an emotion that deeply resonates with you. There is a special awestruck feeling that comes from holding a piece of artwork that is over a century or half a century old and imagining the creative process and series of events that took place to get that piece of work from the artist’s mind to your home decades later. We help our clients find that perfect piece that adds a touch of personality to their home design.

Morning, Gladys Goldstein, 1966.

Storytelling: Vintage art holds the power of lived experiences by featuring the culture, social conventions (or un-conventions), and artistic trends of a bygone era. While blue-chip art, high-value works by established artists, offer a singular glimpse into the past as captured by the noteworthy artist, a diverse collection of artworks by many artists of different backgrounds provides a more complete picture of a historical period. Many voices and perspectives from the same era capture the inherent complexity of life and serve as a source of inspiration and education. That’s why we strive to curate a collection of vintage art that shares the perspective of artists from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences.

French Countryside, Julian Taylor.

Vintage art provides a window into the past, reflects your unique style, and offers a more sustainable option for decorating your home. Contact us today to discuss your design aesthetic and learn how we can help you begin or grow your authentic art collection.

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